Alishar village of Kobanê under constant Turkish attack

The occupant Turkish army has been opening fire on Alishar village of Kobane during the past two weeks.

Turkish soldiers stationed at the border between North Kurdistan and Rojava have been opening fire on Alishar village 8 km east of Kobane almost on daily basis fort he past two weeks.

Regarding the ongoing attacks, villager Islim Hisen said; “The Turkish state has dropped everything and is getting at us constantly. Turkish soldiers are opening fire on us day and night.”

Another villager, Ehmed Hiso, said; “We do not know what Erdogan wants from us. Our children cannot go out to play because soldiers are opening fire on anyone they see here. Turkish forces have crossed the border and seized 10-20 acres of land belonging to us. Erdogan is disturbed by us, Kurds.”

Miha Mihemed stated that villagers cannot move around freely because of Turkish attacks as they face the risk of being targeted by Turkish bullets anytime. Our sheep and cattle remain inside, we cannot take them out to feed.” Mihemed underlined that they will never leave their village whatever Erdogan might do to them.

Hebeş İbrahim said; “Erdogan is hostile to the Kurds, he is always trumping up excuses to attack the Kurds. However, we Kurds are never afraid of him.”