A street of co-existence in Afrin

With the Rojava revolution, Afrin has become the common living space of the peoples.

In Afrin there is a road that stands for the coexistence of the peoples with their long history. Peoples of Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, Turkmen, Muslim, Christian and Ezidi origin all live together since the beginning.  

The street of co-existence

On Cindirês Street, Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, Turkmen, Muslim, Christian, Alevi and Ezidi identities live side by side. The street, which is also known for its historical structure, is known in the city as a street of co-existence. There are historical buildings for the most part.

The co-chair of the Efrîn Archaeological Bureau, Esmehan Ehemed, explains that this street is one of the historical places of the region. The buildings in the street tell the story of Afrin. During the French occupation, a hotel was built here, which was later used as a post office. Afterwards the building was bought by a citizen named Heci Nesîb and is now used as a house by his nephew Teqîb Ebû Cemal.

"The common life here will definitely continue"

Teqîb states that his house, which is about a hundred years old, was built by an Ezidi stonemason and that there is a very good co-existence with the different peoples and religions. He emphasizes that this coexistence will continue despite all attacks. The Arab resident of the street Hesen Elawî, who operates a small shop in the basement of a historic building, also agrees.