Villages of Til Temir have suffered over 300 attacks since August

The Turkish state and its mercenaries targeted the villages of Til Temir district 8 times with more than 300 artillery attacks and armed drones. 8 citizens were injured and 5 Damascus soldiers killed. 25 mercenaries were killed.

The Turkish state and its mercenaries have intensified their attacks on the villages of Til Temir district of Hesekê Canton in recent weeks and used all kinds of heavy weapons and armed drones in these attacks.

Based on information from military sources, ANHA prepared the balance sheet of the attacks carried out by the Turkish state from the beginning of August until 12 September.

Since the beginning of August, the Turkish army has been attacking the villages of Ebûş and Şêx Elî Dildare in the north of Til Temir, the villages Um El Kêf, Til Tewîl, Til Cuma, Til Girê Bît and Deşîşe in the west, as well as the villages of Til El Leben, Mezret Şiwêş, Mezret Şiwêş, in the southwest. They also bombed all the villages on the war front, such as Gozeliyê and Um El Xêr.

As a result of the bombardment of the village of Ebuş, 5 citizens were injured.

Another citizen was injured in the bombardment of the village of Um El Kêf. In addition, more than 5 soldiers belonging to the Damascus army died as a result of the attacks and bombardments on the villages of the district.

The attacks by the Turkish state and its mercenaries on the region increased after the Security Strengthening operation launched by the Democratic Syrian Forces (SDF) in Deir ez-Zor on 27 August against ISIS cells and drug dealers.

The Turkish state and its mercenaries, said ANHA’s balancesheet, launched land attacks against the villages of Til Temir district on 3 September. These attacks were responded to by the Til Temir Military Council. As a result, mercenaries were hit hard and had to retreat.

A military source said that 25 gang members were killed and 20 injured.

The Turkish state carried out 8 attacks by armed drones. One of these attacks was aimed at a point belonging to the Damascus government forces. A civilian vehicle was also targeted, resulting in material damage. A military source said that their forces suffered no damage in these attacks.

The same source said that the Turkish state targeted the villages of Til Temir district with more than 300 artillery attacks.

He also said that these attacks were the most severe and severe attacks carried out since the beginning of the year.