Turkish drone attack kills 3 YPJ fighters in Manbij

The Turkish state continues its attacks against North-East Syria where it has already occupied territories in violation of international law and is carrying out a genocidal war.

The Turkish state, which commits war crimes in North-East Syria, has carried out yet another drone attack on Friday.

According to Manbij Military Council, a Turkish drone struck a car on the move on the road to the village of Hetabat in southern Manbij.

The attack resulted in the death of three fighters of the YPJ (Women’s Defense Units).

Drones of the Turkish state move unmolested in the airspace over Syria controlled by the USA and Russia. In the last three years, Turkey has carried out around 200 attacks by unmanned aircraft in the autonomous region of northern and eastern Syria. From Dêrik to Shehba, there was hardly a place that was not bombed by armed drones.

The attacks targeted representatives of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), members of combat units as well as the civilian population and claimed well over a hundred lives. In late August, a Turkish drone hit a vehicle belonging to the women's channel Jin TV near Amûdê. The driver, Necmeddîn Feysel Hec Sînan, was killed in the attack and correspondent Delîla Egîd was seriously injured.

In a balance sheet of the crimes and violations committed by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries against the regions of North-East Syria during July 2023, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reported on 10 August that the Turkish occupation army persistently violates the airspace of NE Syria, utilizing warplanes and UAVs to target both civilian and military locations, including cars on public roads. “These attacks have resulted in the loss of lives among our fighters and civilians. The warplane violations alone have reached 58, while the drones targeted areas 10 times, with 7 of those attacks conducted by the Turkish occupation army and 3 by its mercenaries. Disturbingly, the use of suicide drones in these attacks has been reported.”