Turkey and its mercenaries carried out 31 attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria in June

The Turkish state and its mercenaries carried out 31 attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria in June. In the attacks, 2 people, including a child, were killed, and 4 citizens were injured.

The Turkish state and its mercenaries, who have increased their ongoing attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria, carried out 31 attacks against a total of 33 villages in the month of June.

The attack balance sheet for June is as follows;

"On June 1, 2024, the village of Seyada in the north of Manbij Canton was targeted by howitzers. No information regarding the damage could be obtained.

On June 2, the village of Xerab Kort, located in the northwest of the city of Qamishlo, was targeted by heavy weapons. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out in the cultivated lands.

On June 2, the village of Semoqa in Afrin-Shehba Canon was targeted by heavy weapons. No information could be obtained regarding the outcome of the attack.

On June 2, the area between the villages of Seyada and Ereb Hesen in the north of Manbij were attacked by medium and heavy weapons. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out in the cultivated lands.

On June 3, a vehicle was targeted by drones in the southern region of Kobanê city. Two Internal Security Forces members were injured.

On June 4, the villages of Seyada and Yalanlî in the northwest of Manbij were targeted by 14 mortars and howitzers. Great material damage was caused in the attacks.

On June 4, power lines in the western countryside of Girê Spî city were targeted by heavy weapons. As a result of the attack, electricity was cut off in houses and villages in Girê Spî rural area.

On June 5, the village of Semoqa and Shehba Dam were bombed with heavy weapons. As a result of the attack, citizens' houses and gardens were damaged.

On June 5, power lines in the western countryside of Girê Spî were targeted once again.

On June 5, the village of Aqîbe in Sherawa city of Afrin-Shehba Canton was targeted. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out in the forest area.

On June 6, the village of Semoqa in Afrin-Shehba Canton was targeted by heavy weapons. Citizens' houses and gardens were damaged in the attacks.

On June 7, the village of Sheala in Shehba was targeted by mortars. No information could be obtained regarding the outcome of the attack.

On June 9, Turkish soldiers at the border shot a child and a teenager from the village of Doda between Qamishlo and Amûdê. As a result of the fire, 16-year-old Mistefa Hisên Selmo was killed and the young man next to him was injured.

On June 10, Manbij's Erep Hesen village was hit by 5 mortars and howitzers, and Dendeniyê, Camûsiye and Seyada villages were hit by 38 mortars and howitzers. On the same day, Manbij's Qert Wêran and Kawikli villages were also hit by 26 mortars. Houses and gardens suffered great damage in these attacks.

The surroundings of the village of Teana in Shehba were fired on. No information was received regarding the attack.

On June 12, the surroundings of the village of Minix in Afrin-Shehba Canton were hit by mortars.

On June 13, the village of Um El Kêf, located to the west of the city of Til Temir in Cizîrê Canton, was bombarded with mortars and artillery. As a result of the bombardment, property belonging to citizens was damaged.

On June 15, fighters of the Bab Military Council responded to the attacks by the Turkish mercenaries against the village of Cebla Hemra in the west of the Bab.

On June 17, Cebhet El Akrad fighters repelled the attempt of the invading Turkish state gangs to enter the village of El Biwêhîc, located in the west of Manbij canton.

On June 12, the surroundings of the village of Minix in Afrin-Shehbay canton were bombed by mortars.

On June 13, the village of Um El Kêf located to the west of Til Temir city in Cizîrê canton, was bombed by mortars and artillery.

On June 15, fighters of the Bab Military Council defeated the attempt by Turkish gangs to enter the village of Cebla Hemra in the west of the city of Babê.

On June 17, Cebhet El Akrad fighters defeated the attacks by the Turkish state against the village of El Biwêhîc, located in the west of Manbij canton.

On June 19, the villages of Ewn Dadat and Mehsenli in the north of Manbij were bombed. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out and the fire spread to agricultural lands.

On June 20, the village of Semoqa e in Afrin's Shehba district was bombarded by artillery shells.

On June 24, the surroundings of the village of Seyada in Manbij were bombed.

The village of Um El Hosh in Afrin-Shehba Canton was bombed.

On June 25, the villages of Zewaniyê and Koletiyê in Şêrawa were bombed.

On June 27, the area between Koltep and Bexdik villages in the west of the city of Kobanê was bombed by howitzers and armed unmanned aerial vehicles. As a result of his attack, a fire broke out in the fields.

The village of Derc in the north of Manbij was bombed with heavy weapons. As a result of the attack, a citizen named Îbrahîm Semo (45) was killed and a citizen named Xalid Kamil Hîlal (26) was injured.

The village of Shewarxe and the surroundings of Shehba Dam in Shera city of Afrin-Shehba Canton were bombed by howitzers.

On June 29, the Turkish army and its gangs bombarded the village of Shewarxe with howitzers. Citizens' gardens were damaged as a result of the bombardment.

The villages of Cat, Toxar, Hoşeriyê, Ewn Dadat and Seyada in Manbij were bombed.

Fighters of the Manbij Military Council shot down a drone belonging to the Turkish state in the village of Derc e in the north of Manbij Canton.

The Turkish army and its mercenaries bombed the villages of Um El Kêf and Til Cuma in the west of Til Temir. Information regarding the damage could not be obtained."