TEV-DEM calls on Syrian forces to stand in solidarity and rise up against Turkey’s corrupt policies

Regarding the protests in the occupied territories, TEV-DEM said that the only way to achieve social justice and frustrate the plans of the occupying Turkish state is through the unity of the Syrian peoples.

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement on the protests of the peoples in the occupied territories that followed the racist lynching campaign against Syrians in several cities of Turkey.

The statement drew attention to the attempt of the occupying Turkish state to re-establish relations with the Damascus government and stated that Ankara is trying to get closer to Damascus at the expense of the sacrifices of the Syrian peoples.

The statement pointed out that: "Ankara and Damascus were envisaged to re-engage. With this step, Turkey aims to compete with Iran in Syria, break the will of the Syrian peoples and defeat their hopes for a better democratic Syria. The occupying Turkish state and its fascist government exploited the will of the Syrian people for the sake of their own political, economic and occupation interests. Socially, morally and politically, it played on the feelings of the Syrians, causing them to suffer and migrate."

Remarking that the only way to ensure social justice, to protect national values and to frustrate the occupation plans is through the unity and solidarity of the Syrian peoples, TEV-DEM called upon all national and social forces in Syria to 'stand in solidarity more than ever and to rise up against the corrupt policies of the occupying Turkish state’.