SDF martyrs laid to rest with emotional ceremony in Kobanê

Beshar Şêxî (Bashar), Wehîd Derwîş (Zîlan Kobanê), Behaedîn Elî (Behaedîn) and Mihemed Xelîl (Serhildan Kobanê), who fell martyr during the Resistance of Honor, were bid the last farewell to the Martyr Dicle graveyard in Kobanê.

The SDF fighters who fell martyr during the historical Resistance of Honor against the Turkish state and their mercenaries were named as Bashar Shêxî (Bashar), Wehîd Derwîş (Zîlan Kobanê), Behaedîn Elî (Behaedîn) and Mihemed Xelîl (Serhildan Kobanê).

The SDF martyrs were bid the last farewell in the city of Kobanê where Enwer Muslim, co-chairman of the Executive Council of the Euphrates region addressed the crowd, after a minute silence to pay tribute to all martyrs.

Expressing condolences to the families of the martyrs, Muslim said: "Resistance must continue for our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for an honorable and free life. We promise to walk the path of our martyrs until we reach victory."

After the speeches, the Martyrs' Families Council read the documents of 16 martyrs who were previously buried and delivered them to their families.

The names of the martyrs are as follows: Xelîl Kalo (Abu Çîlo), Mehmûd Deharkol (Emîn Bahoz), Diyar Ubêd (Diyar Kotik), Basil Xelîl (Birûsk), Elî Berko (Hogir Kobanê), Zeîme Delî (Zeîme), Mihemed Ebdî ( Mihemed Taşlok, Zana Celel (Gênco Sharezor), Xelîl Elî (Xemgîn Edîb), Aybad Bekir (Dilovan Kobanê), Mihemûd Can (Botan Farqîn), Ehmed Mihemed (Cûdî Kobanê), Dîlan Olmaz (Dilovan Gever), îbrahîm Muslim Girê Spî), Mihemed Şeyban (Mihemed), Ronar Derwîş (Yeldiz Aşme).