Protest in front of UNHCR Office in Qamishlo denounces Turkish crimes

Demonstrators called on the UN Security Council and human rights organizations to stop the crimes committed by the Turkish state.

Masses gathered in front of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Qamishlo in protest at the Turkish state’s crimes and violations.

The demonstration was attended by the Union of Kurdish Writers in Syria, Union of Kurdish Writers and Journalists, Union of Kurdish Culture and Literature in Rojava Kurdistan, Cultural House and Union of Armenian Women.

A press statement in Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian and English denounced the Turkish state’s attacks against North-East Syrian territories.

The statement remarked that the Turkish state forcibly displaced over a million people by occupying Afrin, Girê Spi and Sêrekaniye and deprived thousands of people of water by halting the operations of Alouk water station in Sêrekaniye.

Not contented with that, the Turkish state also cut off the Euphrates water, leading to lakes to dry out and diseases to spread, thus committing a crime against humanity, said the statement.

The statement denounced the crimes committed by the Turkish state in North-East Syria, which include demographic change, pillaging, execution, torture, rape, targeted attacks on civilian sub-structures. “The invading Turkish state, which supports terrorists under the guise of counter-terrorism, pursues vicious policies and carries out repeated attacks on civilians, which constitutes a violation of the UN principles.”

The group called on the UN Security Council and human rights organizations to stop crimes committed by the Turkish state.