People of Afrin rally for Sakine, Fidan, Leyla

Kurds and their friends pay tribute to the three Kurdish revolutionaries murdered in the heart of French capital Paris nine years ago.

The Afrin Regional Coordination of North-East Syrian women’s umbrella organization Kongra Star organised a march to mark the ninth anniversary of the triple murder in Paris of PKK co-founder Sakine Cansız (Sara), KNK Paris Representative Fidan Doğan (Rojbin) and Youth Movement Member Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahi) on 9 January 2013. To date, no one has been brought to justice. The case was closed after the death of the contract killer Ömer Güney in French custody shortly before the trial began. A reopening of the investigation initiated by the relatives is being blocked due to political pressure; the information available to the Turkish authorities on the crime is considered a state secret.

In addition to Kongra Star members and the local people, members of all non-governmental organizations in Afrin region participated in the demonstration in the Ehres district.

The march was followed by a rally at the Cemetery of the Martyrs where Sûreye Hebesh in the name of the Afrin Regional Assembly of Martyrs’ Families addressed the crowd.

“Our revolution grows as women from all over the world join this revolution. We will not allow another massacre like the one in Paris,” Hebesh said.

Speaking after, Wefe Hisen, a member of the Assembly of Martyrs’ Families, said, “Every Kurdish woman draws strength from the resistance of Sakine and her comrades today. We promise to follow in the footsteps of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla.”