Osê: Those who want to destroy the Autonomous Administration project won't succeed

NE Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council co-chair, Emîne Osê, spoke about the ‘Security Reinforcement’ operation, and said that it disrupted the plans of those who wanted to destroy self-governing.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched the ‘Operation Security Reinforcement’ in Deir ez-Zor on 27 August against ISIS cells, drug dealers and people involved in illegal activities.

Emîne Osê, co-chair of the Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), spoke to ANHA about the operation. First of all, she expressed her condolences to the families of the martyrs of the operation and said: "The ‘Security Reinforcement’ operation was not as easy as some thought. There was a big plan behind it and external interventions. A great struggle was waged against those who tried to destroy the peace and security of Deir ez-Zor."

Osê added that the ‘Security Reinforcement’ operation started to respond to the demands of the people of Deir ez-Zor, the SDF and the Internal Security Forces. "Then the size of the plans for the region and the role of Damascus were exposed. Damascus, the Turkish state and Iran repeatedly tried to cause discord between the Kurds and the Arabs. Yet, they did not succeed. Thanks to our forces, all their attempts failed. Our forces play a positive role in ensuring stability in Deir ez-Zor."

Osê drew attention to the unity of the regional components and said: "All components of North and East Syria are in unity. This operation was against the ISIS cells trying to disrupt the security and stability of the region. All components kept a united attitude. All the components supported our military forces."

'Public knowledge and cooperation spoiled the plans'

Co-chair Osê continued: "From the first days, the regime supported some groups to expand the operation and benefit from it. At the same time, mercenary groups affiliated with Turkey launched an attack on Til Temir and Manbij. Their aim was to support the clashes in Deir ez-Zor. It was a distraction. However, our people and the ‘Security Reinforcement’ operation in Deir ez-Zor proved that there was a plan made by Turkey and the Damascus government. Iran and the groups serving the interests of these states were destroyed."

Osê continued: "Their plans were in vain, but this does not mean that they will not try again to disrupt the stability of the region and the Autonomous Administration project. Since the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, many powers have engaged in a special war to promote an inter-regional conflict through the embargo and attacks by drones. We will continue to defend our project."