Occupation forces shell villages in Afrin-Shehba and Manbij

The occupying Turkish state and allied mercenaries bombarded many villages in Afrin-Shehba Canton and Manbij on Monday.

According to a statement by the Manbij Military Council, the Turkish state and affiliated gangs shelled the villages of Ewn Dadat, Hoşeriyê and Toxarê in the canton with howitzers.

The Turkish state and its gangs also shelled the villages of Hesacik, Werdiye, Hasîn, Xirnêta and Elî Qerê in Afrin-Shehba Canton.

Detailed information about the attacks on both regions was not immediately available.

Violent scenes and attacks, which often result in deaths and injuries, are a bitter reality in the autonomous region of North and East Syria. Rojava is experiencing a war that has been waged with varying degrees of intensity since 2016, following Turkish invasions that resulted in heavy losses between 2016 and 2019 – in addition to regular air offensives that have almost completely paralysed the infrastructure of the self-governing areas. The fact that Ankara has been able to maintain its aggressive course and commit war crimes and human rights violations in the context of its imperialist aspirations to expand the zone of occupation in Syria, while systematically violating international humanitarian law, is also due to the international community's widespread ignorance of the state terror that its partner is inflicting on the people of northern and eastern Syria.