Make this Friday for Future a Friday for Rojava

Make Rojava Green Again has written a letter to students of Fridays for future to ask support at a time where all achievements reached by the peoples who live in Northern and Eastern Syria are being attacked by Turkish military and its mercenaries.

Young people in Rojava have been very active in the Fridays for Future demonstrations.

"For us - writes Make Rojava Green Again - a solution to the ecological crisis is only possible by self-determination. It needs a cooperative form of economic approach to the needs of people. This is the revolution of Rojava."

The letter asks students to "take a stance, discussed on the subject, don't let the media fool you, go on the road! As long as the attack continues, there will be actions of solidarity and resistance throughout the world."

The letter continued: "This Democratic System has been under attack from the beginning of the beginning. First, the al-Qaeda front (an al-Qaeda) and then the Islamic state attacked our cities and occupied large parts of the country. But over the last few years, we have been able to free ourselves from this cruel rule.

The Islamic State is defeated. The Islamic State is not a phenomenon that has been created here in the middle east alone. Many of the jihadists came to Syria from western countries via Turkey.

But even with the end of the Islamic State, the attacks did not stop."