Internal Security Forces confirms Turkish drone attack killed one of its members

A member of the Internal Security Forces of Northern and Eastern Syria was killed, and three other members were injured as the result of a Turkish drone attack on a car on the road between Qamishlo and Hesekê.

The Turkish state attacked the autonomous region of Northern and Eastern Syria several times with drones on Wednesday. After an air strike with an unclear outcome near Kobanê, an internal security forces vehicle was bombed on the road between Qamishlo and Hesekê in the afternoon. According to the Internal Security Forces, one of their members was killed, and three others were injured.

The statement published by the press office of the Internal Security Forces of Northern and Eastern Syria (Asayîş) underlined that the Turkish state “wants to destroy security and peace in the region and intimidate the population.” The statement added: “As security forces, we will continue to prosecute criminal offenses and stop any attempts to incite conflict and spread fear. This attack by the Turkish state will not stop us from our work. We will work more than ever for the peace and security of our region.”

According to the Rojava Information Center, Turkey carried out 198 drone strikes on Northern and Eastern Syria last year. These attacks killed 105 people and injured 123, including 31 and 63 civilians, respectively.