Identity of Asayish commander killed in Turkish drone attack announced

Internal Security Forces announced that commander Dijwar Qamişlo (Metîn Dince) was martyred in the targeted drone attack carried out by the occupying Turkish state in Qamishlo on Tuesday.

The Internal Security Forces (Asayish) announced that one of their commanders, Dijwar Qamişlo (Metîn Dince), was killed by a targeted Turkish drone attack in Qamishlo on Tuesday.

Metin Dince was born in Nusaybin on 8 October 1991. The city is located in the immediate vicinity of Qamishlo, but on the other side of the Syrian-Turkish border.              

“Martyr Metin Dince (Dijwar Qamişlo) responded to the call of humanity to fight against the terrorist organisation ISIS and took his place in the ranks of our forces. He chose the path of freedom to become a fighter of Rojava by fighting against terrorism and to defeat ISIS brutality. He was one of the first people to join the revolution to liberate his land from the tyranny of ISIS and to participate in the offensives to liberate all regions of Northern and Eastern Syria. Martyr Dijwar Qamişlo had great courage and a high spirit of sacrifice.

As the Internal Security Forces, we express our condolences to our people and the family of martyr Metin, and we will follow the path of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect their families and people until security and peace are restored. We will achieve the goal of creating a free, safe and stable country on the path of martyrs.”

The identity information of the fallen commander is as follows:

Name Surname: Metin Dince

Nom de Guerre: Dijwar Qamişlo

Mother’s Name: Henife

Father’s Name: Mihemed Salih

Place and Date of Birth: Nusaybin, 08.11.1991

Place and Date of Participation: Qamishlo, 23.04.2017

Place and Date of Martyrdom: Qamishlo, 03.09.2024