Girê Spî Military Council complied with new border security deal

The Girê Spî Military Council has fulfilled the requirements of the agreement reached for ensuring the security of the North and East Syria border.

US, Turkey and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) agreed the conditions on border security. Accordingly the SDF fighters pulled 5 kilometers back with heavy weapons, while security remained linked to the Girê Spî Military Council which handed out the task to the Border Security force linked to it. Military spots in the region will also be removed.

Girê Spî Military Council Commander Xelîl Xelfo said that the council has fulfilled the terms of the agreement.

Xelîl Xelfo added: "In partnership with US forces, we have removed the military points on the border between the village of Nis Tel and Girê Spî. At the same time, SDF fighters have withdrawn from the region with heavy weapons and handed over the border security task to the Border Security Forces."