Call from Ain Issa: Break your silence on Turkey’s attacks

The women who participate in the ongoing vigil protest in Ain Issa called on the international community and Russia to speak out against the attacks of the Turkish state.

The resistance of the Kongreya Star and Girê Spî Women's Council against the attacks of the Turkish state in Ain Issa continues. Women from Kobanê and Raqqa (western and eastern) regions participated in the action on Tuesday.


Kongreya Star Kobanê Canton Spokesperson Rozerîn Mihemed said, "We condemn the attacks of the invading Turkish state against civilians in Ain Issa. The international community and Russia must break their silence against the attacks on the region and show their stance against these attacks." 

The tent action taken over by women from Raqqa yesterday will continue for 3 more days.