Assyrian people support the campaign for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan

The Soraya Democratic Party met with the Initiative for the Freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and stated that the Assyrian people are ready to fulfil their responsibility for the freedom of the Kurdish leader.


The "Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan", based in North and East Syria, met with the Soraya Democratic Party within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and political solution to the Kurdish question" campaign launched globally in October 2023.

Speaking at the meeting, Soraya Democratic Party Co-Chair Madlîn Xemîs emphasised that the Assyrian party supports the freedom campaign.

Madlîn Xemîs stated that they also took part in protests against the absolute isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and added: "Aggravated isolation is a red line for us and all the components in Northern and Eastern Syria."

Madlîn Xemîs noted that Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy has spread to all the peoples of the world and his ideas are alive in daily life: "The leader gave life to the peoples, and the conspiratorial forces are experiencing heavy defeats against the philosophical attitude of Leader Abdullah Öcalan. We, as peoples, are struggling to perpetuate the defeat of these forces." 

Madlîn Xemîs emphasised that the Assyrian people are ready to do whatever is asked of them for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and concluded: "It is the right of the Leader to join us and see how much his ideas have influenced us."

The initiative will reportedly continue its visits and meetings in Syria and North and East Syria.