Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization: At least 40 colonial houses built in Afrin

Îbrahîm Şêxo, a member of the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization, said that the Qatar Red Crescent established at least 40 colonial houses in Afrin and 13 in the north of Syria.

Îbrahîm Şêxo, a member of the Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization, spoke to ANHA about the construction of colonial houses by the Qatar Red Crescent in Afrin.

Stating that the occupying Turkish state changed the demographic structure of the occupied regions of Syria with the support of Qatar and organizations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Şêxo said that the occupying Turkish state established colonial units in the occupied regions.

Drawing attention to the forced displacement of the Syrian people, Şêxo said: "The Syrian people were displaced from their lands and their country was occupied. If the aim of Kuwait and Qatar organizations is to help, why are they changing the demographic structure of these regions? In my opinion, they want to displace the people there and break their will. These organizations are building colonial houses in Afrin under the pretext of aid and changing the demographic structure of the city."

Şêxo pointed out that the Qatar Red Crescent, with the cooperation of the occupying Turkish state, built 13 colonial houses in northern Syria that can accommodate 7,000 people.

Stating that the occupying Turkish state built a colonial house named "Insaniyê" in a Kurdish village in Bab, Şêxo said: "This colonial house consists of 143 buildings. There are also two health centers and a school there. In the city of Afrin, the families of the mercenaries seized 7,000 houses and 10,000 shops belonging to the people of Afrin."

Şêxo built 13 colonial houses in Northern Syria and at least 40 colonial houses in Afrin, with the aim of the Qatar Red Crescent to change the identity and demographic structure of the region.

Reminding that 300,000 Afrin citizens migrated to Shehba after the occupation, Îbrahîm Şêxo said: "After the migration, the occupying Turkish state settled Palestinians in Xûta, Dera, Idlîb, Ezaz, Bab and Hatay in the homes of Afrin immigrants. Their aim is to forcibly displace the remaining Afrin residents and change the identity of Afrin."

Şêxo said that during the earthquake period, the Qatar Red Crescent continued to build a colonial house called Kerama in the Jindirês district.

Şêxo added: "We call on the Qatar Red Crescent and all organizations cooperating with the Turkish state not to aid the construction of colonial houses and not to commit immoral and unlawful crimes. Because by building these colonial houses, you are changing the identity of Syria and Afrin, and this is a crime."