HRE hit occupation forces in Afrin and Azaz: 2 dead

HRE reported continued actions against the occupation forces in northern Syria.

Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) released a written statement announcing the details of the actions carried out by their fighters in Afrin and Azaz yesterday.

According to the statement, the actions that targeted the Turkish occupation army and allied terrorist groups left 2 members of the occupation forces dead, three others wounded and a military vehicle damaged.

The statement said that on June 8, so-called Military Police chief Mehmet Camûs was killed by HRE sniper fire on the road between Afrin and its Mabeta district.

The same day, HRE fighters carried out a sabotage action targeting the terrorist group called Muntasır Billah in Sena’î area in central Afrin. One military vehicle was damaged as a result of the action, while the number of those killed or wounded couldn’t be clarified.

Again on June 8, HRE fighters hit the Turkish soldiers and the mercenary group called Lîwa 55 in Kilcibrin village in Azaz region. The action, carried out with heavy weaponry, left 1 Turkish soldier dead and 3 members of the Liwa 55 terrorist group injured.