HRE: 4 Turkish-backed terrorists killed in Sherawa, Afrin

Afrin Liberation Forces continue inflicting blows on occupation forces in occupied Afrin region.

Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) released a statement reporting continued operations against the Turkish invasion forces and allied terrorists in and around Afrin.

Fighters of the Afrin Liberation Forces carried out two separate actions against the occupation forces in Sherawa district of Afrin, killing 4 terrorists and wounding 7 others.

The statement said the following;

“On April 6, our fighters targeted a construction equipment of the occupation forces used to destroy the civilians’ houses and the school in the village of Cilbire in Afrin’s Sherawa district. The construction equipment was rendered unusable and one terrorist in it was killed.

HRE fighters targeted a position of Firqat al-Sultan Murad terrorist group in the same area. 3 terrorists were killed and 7 others wounded as a result.”