British YPG fighter martyred in Raqqa remembered by his comrades

One year ago, British YPG fighter Oliver Hall fell in Raqqa. Internationalists who lived, trained, laughed and fought with him remember him today.

On November 25, 2017, British YPG fighter Ollie Hall lost his life during mine clearance in Raqqa. His internationalist comrades who were with him in northern Syria as a part of YPG-International, wrote a memorial for him as a salute to his sacrifice to the revolution on the first anniversary of his fall as a martyr.

The memorial remembering the British YPG fighter reads as follows:

"One year ago, our beloved friend and comrade Ollie Hall (nom de guerre, Canşêr Zagros), fell in the international struggle against Islamic State terrorism. Prior to travelling to Rojava/Northern Syria in August 2017 to engage in the armed struggle as a member of YPG (which provides a major part of the Syrian Democratic Forces), Ollie had trained and worked as a telecommunications engineer. After his service in YPG he had planned to stay and use his skills from his civilian life to help with the rebuilding process.

We lived, trained, laughed and fought together. We are his comrades and his brothers in arms. Together we faced an enemy capable of inflicting inhuman suffering upon its fellow human beings. The crimes in which they engaged are some of the worst travesties in human history. There are no words in any language that can accurately describe their cruelty. We had the honour of being welcomed by the brave and unified people of Northern Syria; who had led the resistance of the age on behalf of all of humanity and inspired us all to stand side by side with them.

Ollie participated in the major offensive operation ‘Cizire Storm' which was aimed at liberating the people of Deir ez-Zor from the oppression of the jihadists. During this time he mainly operated as a biksiçî (machine gunner) and showed nothing but morality and bravery throughout. After the liberation of Raqqa, he volunteered for a unit that would protect the returning civilian populace, mostly ensuring they did not enter areas that were awaiting the clearing of IED's (Improvised Explosive Devices).

Sadly, on the 25th of November 2017, Ollie lost his life while protecting the civilians of Raqqa. He was killed by an IED, which was left by the Islamic State terrorists, in a civilian house. He and another Heval entered the house to check for IEDs, at the behest of a civilian and his very young son. They begged and pleaded for people to ensure the house was safe. Without acknowledging the risk to himself, and to ensure the safety of this father and his young child, Ollie unhesitatingly offered his help. Protecting the people was always at the forefront of his mind.

His sacrifice saved their lives. He is a hero, dying after an act of selfless determination to protect the ones, who suffered from the brutality of the Islamic State. His story is and always will be, that of a role model. His courage sets a precedent for the behaviour and courage of all people that fight in this struggle, whether they are from the region or internationalist comrades.

The things you did outlast your loss. You saved people, you inspired people.

The bravery and selflessness you showed in your life, are your legacy after your life.

Şehîd Canşêr Zagros, Oliver Hall, you are immortal! Şehîd Namirin!”

The memorial was signed by the following internationalists:

Cîlo Boston (USA), Çîya / Jack B. (USA), Erdal / Dan Newey (GBR), Gabar Carlo (ITA), Îlyas Rus (RUS), Kemal Azad (USA), Piling Ravaşol (FRA), Rodî Xwendekar (USA), Roj Rojava / William (FRA), Sîdar Dêrsim / Jan-Lukas Kuhley (GER), Şoreş Kesk (USA), Soro / Alex (USA), Tîrej / Dario Job (SUI), Ulîsse Zerdeşt / Claudio (ITA).