Video campaign against Turkish chemical attacks continues in Sweden

The campaign 'Make a video and make your voice heard' against the chemical attacks by the Turkish state continues in Sweden.

With the hashtag #OPCWinvestigate, the protests against the chemical attacks by the Turkish state continue. Swedish Left Party deputies and members take part in the campaign called ‘Make a video and make your voice heard’.

Martha Wicklund, Member of the Municipality of Örebro, said: "There are reports that chemical weapons are used against the Kurds. We think it is important to stand by the Kurds and show our loyalty to them. Take a video and share it on social media."

Örebro District President Anna Lilja said: "Reports about the use of chemical weapons should be taken seriously. The use of chemical weapons is a war crime. At the same time, international law and laws are violated. This should stop immediately."

Örebro District Parliament Member Nadja Awad said: "As the Left Party, we stand by our Kurdish friends and international law. The whole world must break its silence against the crimes of the Turkish Republic. Because as long as it remains silent, it will continue to commit crimes."