TKP-ML calls for increased struggle against the Turkish attacks on Rojava

“Increasing the legitimate struggle and organizing the revolutionary resistance in every area, especially in battle positions, is the most urgent revolutionary task in the current situation.”

In a written statement, the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (TKP-ML) Central Committee raised concern over the invasion and genocidal attacks by the Turkish state against Rojava, northern Syria.

The statement remarked that the massacre in Taksim, Istanbul was organized by the Turkish state and used as a pretext to invade Rojava.

“It is a failure to consider the fascist aggression of the Turkish state only as a part of an election campaign of the AKP-MHP fascist government. The Turkish regime regards the democratic and progressive achievements of the Kurdish, Arab, Armenian, Syriac peoples, women, especially the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, as a threat to itself and wants to eliminate the Rojava Revolution,” the statement said.

"With this fascist aggression, the AKP-MHP government also wants to cover up the biggest economic crisis, hunger and poverty in the history of the country. The masses have been subjected to a deep poverty through the corruption policies of the AKP-MHP government. Fascist aggression and the 'terrorism' demagogy seek to suppress the anger and reaction of the masses. The Turkish regime detonated a bomb in Taksim, Istanbul through its own mercenary organization and used it as a pretext to attack Rojava territory. Furthermore, it tried to justify its aggression by 'firing missiles' from the areas under its control that killed civilians once again,” the statement noted.

“It is not only the duty of the people of Rojava to defend the Rojava Revolution and its territory and to resist the attacks of the fascist Turkish state. We have no doubt that the people of Rojava, including the Kurds, Arabs, Armenians, Syriacs, women and men will defend their lands and the revolution. Anyone who ignores this resistance, trivializes it and does not stand by it will end up in the dustbin of history.”

“Standing up to the Turkish aggression and increasing the legitimate struggle and organizing the revolutionary resistance in every area, especially in the battle positions, is the most urgent revolutionary task under the current situation,” the TKP-ML statement concluded.