Tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution celebrated across Germany

In many places in Germany today, the tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution is being celebrated, and SDF commander Mazlum Abdi will be speaking at a festival in Berlin on Sunday. Events have also been announced for the coming week.

The Rojava Revolution celebrates its tenth anniversary on 19 July and, with its grassroots democratic, gender-equitable and ecological approach, continues to be seen worldwide as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration. Celebrations, festivals, concerts and demonstrations are taking place in Germany to mark the anniversary.

Mazlum Abdi to speak at festival in Berlin

A festival under the motto "Bijî Şoreşa Rojava" (Long Live the Rojava Revolution) will begin on Sunday at 12 noon at Oranienplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg, and a live link-up with the general commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Mazlum Abdi, via Skype will take place. The former HDP MP Lezgin Botan has also been invited to speak, while Xelîl Xemgîn, Dino, Bilind Ibrahim and Hekim Sefqan, among others, will provide the music programme.

On 19 July, the film "The other side of the river" by director Antonia Kilian will be shown at 7 pm at the Hofkino on Franz-Mehring-Platz.

Celebration and street festival in Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, there will be a celebration today from 4 p.m. under the motto "Ten years of grassroots democracy, women's liberation and ecology" on the grounds of FC Serkeftin 92 on Babenhäuser Landstraße. Speeches and a concert by Koma Hezex have been announced. The festival is a joint event of Women Defend Rojava, RiseUp4Rojava, Women's Council Amara, Kurdish Society Centre, Städtefreundschaft Frankfurt-Kobane e.V. as well as the student associations YXK and JXK Frankfurt.

On 23 July, a street party with information stands, food and drinks as well as live music is to take place in Hattsteiner Straße in Frankfurt-Rödelheim from 3 pm.

Celebration in front of the Rote Flora in Hamburg

In Hamburg, a celebration will take place today from 3pm in front of the autonomous centre Rote Flora, jointly organised by Kurdish associations, solidarity structures and Latin American groups. "Ten years of Rojava revolution means: Ten years of women's liberation - Ten years of diversity - Ten years of grassroots democracy - Ten years of ecological, needs-based economy - Ten years of self-defence”. The invitation says: "We want to spread the contents of the revolution, hear voices from the region and celebrate the birthday with a cultural and political programme; with music, info stalls, food and appreciation of the struggle. We cordially invite everyone to this!"

Summer festival in Bonn

A summer party is taking place in Bonn today from 4 pm to mark the tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution with a film screening, a lecture, food and music. The venue is the old VHS (access next to Neustrasse 58).

Event in Lützerath: Defend the Revolution!

In the town of Lützerath in the Rhineland, which is threatened by lignite mining, there will be an event on Sunday at 3 pm. The programme includes contributions on the current political situation in Rojava and Kurdistan and ecological struggles as well as live music. In between, there will be time for exchange, food and drink will be provided.

Programme lasting several days in Aschaffenburg

In Aschaffenburg there will be a programme lasting several days with film screenings, an exhibition and a discussion event. On 20 July, Kerem Schamberger will give a talk on "The Turkish War in Rojava" at 7.30 pm in the Stadthalle.

All-day festival in Kassel

Kassel is hosting an all-day festival on 24 July. Between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. there will be seminars, workshops, exhibitions, music, folklore and a children's programme in the Nordstadtpark in Fiedlerstraße.

Demonstrations in Saarbrucken and Osnabrück

In Saarbrucken, a demonstration under the slogan "Defend ten years of Rojava revolution!" will take place on 19 July at 6.30 pm from Landwehrplatz. In Osnabrück, a demonstration is called for 22 July, starting at 6 pm at the main station.