Solidarity with Kurdish people expressed during Liberation Day demo in Bologna

Activists expressed their solidarity with the struggle of the Kurdish people, calling for resistance against fascism all around the world.

A demonstration was held in Bologna during the Anniversary of the Resistance (25th April). The Municipi Sociali Làbas-TPO characterized their presence with a banner against today's fascists and PKK flags. During the demonstration, the banner "Smash Turkish fascism" was also displayed on the monumental steps of the Pincio with smoke and fireworks.

During the display of the banner, the following speech was given: "April 25, the resistance continues, because fascism continues. They change names, symbols, clothes, but they remain. We see it every day with the massacres we witness in Palestine, in Europe and in the mountains of Kurdistan, where side by side, rifle by rifle, Kurdish comrades fight Erdoğan's fascism, the Turkish army and their cowardly allies. We need to stop Turkish fascism. Let's stop all fascism. So that there is a thousand April 25th around the world. In Europe. In the land of Palestine. In the whole of Kurdistan. Biji Serek Apo. Libertà per Öcalan."