Second woman lost her child in Maxmur camp because of the embargo

Another woman lost her baby because of the embargo imposed on Maxmur Refugees camp by the KDP in cooperation with the Turkish state.

The embargo imposed on Maxmur after the attack against a MIT representative at the Turkish consulate in Hewlêr on June 17, has tragic consequences.

Entry and exit to and from Maxmur have been forbidden for 17 days by the KDP. A pregnant woman named Newroz Ahmed, whose condition had worsened in the past week, was not allowed to leave the camp.

This Saturday, the pregnant woman who wanted to go to Hewlêr was once again denied exit from the camp.

Newroz Ahmed, who was being treated at the hospital in Maxmur, lost her baby.

Before Ahmed, a pregnant woman named Fatma Kara also lost her baby because of the KDP prohibition to leave the camp.

Kara wanted to go to Hewlêr to deliver her baby because of the limited facilities in the camp hospital, but KDP forces did not allow the pregnant woman to leave the camp.