Protest in Bologna for Turkey-Italy friendship football match

Activists in Bologna protested the friendly football match played on Tuesday between Italy and Turkey.

While the Turkish government is arresting elected officials, deposing the co-mayors of Hakkari, mistreating protesters in the streets, raining bombs on the civilian population of Rojava and using chemical weapons in South Kurdistan, the Italian Football Federation had nothing better to do than to organize a friendly match between the Turkish and Italian national teams.

A group of activists calling themselves "Bologna Antifascista" staged a protest ahead of Tuesday's match against this propaganda event in which Italian post-fascists extend a hand to Turkish fascism. The teams' entrance was coloured with red paint, symbolic of the blood shed by Turkish fascism, and slogans such as "Bijî Rojava" and "Long Live PKK".

The activists said in a press release that "these crimes are associated with the silence of the rest of the world, which evidently does not want to put commercial ties and geopolitical balances at risk, thus preferring that Erdoğan's gangs continue with their raids in the Middle East and that every day, in addition to news of bombings and use of chemical weapons there are reports of kidnappings, rapes and summary killings."