Police attack demo against mass detentions in Istanbul

Turkish police simultaneously stormed several flats in Istanbul and Kırklareli and detained at least 20 people this morning, including executive members of the HDP and HDK.

Police raided dozens of homes in Istanbul and Kırklareli simultaneously on Monday morning. At least 20 people were taken into custody, including executive committee members of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), as well as other civil society organisations. The detainees were taken to the Istanbul provincial police headquarters.

According to the Turkish Minister of Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, 26 locations were stormed during the course of the operation. While the Turkish judiciary hastily imposed a confidentiality order on the investigation, the detainees will not be allowed to meet their lawyers for 24 hours.

The HDP and Green Left Party organized a demonstration in front of the HDP Istanbul provincial branch office to protest the detentions. The party office and the quarter were besieged by the police and the group was prevented from making a statement to the press.

The crowd was attacked by the police and many people were taken into custody.