Peace in Kurdistan congratulates Jeremy Corbyn for his election

Peace in Kurdistan congratulated Jeremy Corbyn, the new independent MP for Islington North

Estella Schmid and David Morgan wrote a letter on behalf of Peace in Kurdistan to "warmly congratulate" Jeremy Corbyn on his "convincing victory as the Independent MP for Islington North in the UK General Election of 4 July 2024."

The letter underlined that "it is rare under the British first past the post system that an independent MP achieves success at the ballot box. Your election is a remarkable and a historic achievement, though your victory does not surprise us because of your record which speaks for itself. You have always been a tireless campaigner and outstanding activist politician admired and respected by all who are fortunate to know you."

The letter added: "The people of Islington who voted for you in their thousands could see right through these lies and they put their trust in your integrity, strong advocacy, your dedicated constituency work and your unique record as a campaigner for peace and social justice.

Your victory is a victory not only for the voters in Islington North, but it is a victory shared by people across the country and throughout the world. Justice and truth have won through.

Your re-election will be welcomed across the world by everyone who is fighting for justice and peace."

Peace in Kurdistan said it is "proud to count you as a friend and to have you as a valued patron of our campaign. We thank you for all the work you do to raise the cause of the Kurdish people, alongside all the other international causes to which you have dedicated your political life for over forty years inside Parliament and even longer outside."

The letter added: "We look forward to collaborating with you as you take your place as the independent MP for Islington North. You will be, as you always have been, a trusted ally and a true tribune of the people everywhere."