Organizations to protest Turkey’s war and international silence in Brussels

Several organizations will hold a protest in front of the US embassy in Brussels on Saturday to condemn the Turkish state's war against the Kurds and the silence of international forces.

The partnership of the USA and NATO with Turkey and their silence in the face of latest attacks in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) will be protested in Brussels.

The protest will begin at 11:00 am on Saturday in front of the US Embassy at "Boulevard du Régent 27".

The demonstration is promoted by the following organizations: Nav-Bel (Belgian Democratic Kurdish Community Centre); ILPS (International League of People's Struggle); HBDH Belgium (Peoples’ United Revolutionary Movement); KCDK-E (European Democratic Kurdish Society Congress); AIDL (International Alliance for Defence of Rights and Freedoms); VREDE (Belgian Peace Organization); YJK-B (Kurdish Women's Union-Belgium); Belgian Kurdish Institute; Democratic Union of Belgium; RESIST US-led War Movement.

The organizations made a joint statement and said, “The Turkish state, a member of NATO, continues to target the Kurdish people in North-East Syria and South Kurdistan. The Turkish state, which carries out military operations beyond its borders, continues to blatantly violate NATO's stated goals and norms.”

"International silence encourages Erdogan's aggression and militarism"

“Despite criticism against its expansionist policy, the Turkish state invaded Cyprus in 1974. Now it wants to invade South Kurdistan. Unfortunately, we are once again witnessing the silence of the international community. The organizations to which Turkey is a member, namely NATO and the Council of Europe, remain silent towards these invasion operations.

Moreover, the European Union, which negotiates membership process with Turkey, remains silent. Encouraged by this silence, Turkish state militarism is spreading in Libya, Yemen and other North African and Middle Eastern countries."

The statement recalled the invasion attacks against Medya Defense Zones ongoing since April 24, pointing out that Kurdistan is becoming the hotbed of a regional war.

“The PKK was established in 1978 as a response to the Turkish state's oppression and assimilation policies against the Kurdish people since the establishment of the Republic in 1923. Before the PKK, there occurred many Kurdish uprisings against the Turkish state. These riots emerged against the denial of Kurdish identity and occupation of Kurdistan lands. The aim was to protect the Kurdish existence against the continuous annihilation and assimilation policies. The PKK movement has been fighting for 40 years to protect the Kurdish language, identity and culture and to grant the Kurdish people a status. The PKK has been defined as "not a terrorist, but a warring party" by the Belgium's highest court.

We call on all organizations to stand with us against militarism, war and aggression.”