Newroz declaration announced in Amed

The declaration for the 2025 Newroz in Amed was announced with a call on "everyone, from 7 to 70, who wants freedom, to join the Newroz celebrations, the strongest expression of the struggle they have built with their labor and words."

This year, Newroz will be celebrated in at least 89 locations under the slogans "Rêbertiya Azad Civaka Demokratîk" and "Newroz for a Democratic Society and Freedom." 

The declaration was presented in Amed, with the participation of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair Berdan Öztürk, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chairs Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and Keskin Bayındır, Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) co-chair Tuncer Bakırhan, and Tevgera Jinen Azad (TJA) representative Hülya Alökmen Uyanık, along with numerous civil society organizations and political party representatives. 

The Newroz declaration said: "Newroz is the name of resistance, freedom, and rebirth for the Kurdish people. Although governments have attempted to confine its meaning within a narrow framework, the truth of Newroz is resistance and freedom. For centuries, the Kurdish people have kept their struggle alive in the flames of Newroz; through this fire, they have demonstrated their existence, their resistance, and their freedom. Today, Newroz continues to be the most powerful expression of our people's march toward freedom. Thus, every voice rising from the Newroz squares, every fire lit, every song sung, and every dance performed is an act of embracing our freedom."

The declaration added: "The greatest meaning of keeping the Newroz spirit alive today is to expand the struggle for a democratic society and peace within the framework of Kurdish freedom. On February 27, the Leader of the Peoples made a strong and historic call for the coexistence of peoples and an honorable peace. By combining this call with the liberating essence of Newroz, we will once again show that it is possible to build a free and equal life together.

This year's Newroz is about embracing the will for freedom and peace of the Leader of the Peoples, Abdullah Öcalan. For centuries, various peoples and faiths have endured immense suffering, and among them, the Kurdish people have been particularly affected. The policies that have historically caused such suffering are the result of renewed laws of denial and the social policies of governments that perceive the Kurdish reality as a threat and seek to polarize society. To put an end to this denial, to stop these policies of siege and intimidation, and to bring a democratic society to life, the Leader of the Peoples is taking on a historic responsibility. In order for him to fulfill this responsibility—so that he may act upon his words and labor together with the people—his physical freedom and conditions for free political engagement must be ensured immediately. Establishing the necessary working conditions for his 'theoretical and practical' contributions is not just an individual need but an essential requirement for fulfilling social and political responsibility."

The declaration continued: "The call for a just and equal life for peoples, faiths, women, youth, children, workers, and retirees must be realized through the labor and struggle of everyone. The struggle for women's freedom and revolution, embodied in the legacy of Rehşan, Ronahi, Zekiye, and Bêrivan, continues to burn as the fire of Newroz today under the philosophy of 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî' (Woman, Life, Freedom). Against the policies of special warfare, male dominance, and the anti-women stance of nationalist states, the rising women's struggle takes on the greatest responsibility in building a democratic society and peace, organizing the socialization of peace, and ensuring its protection."

The declaration underlined that "the Rojava Revolution is the reflection of the spirit of freedom of Newroz today. The democratic system created in Rojava, women's freedom, democratic nation society based on free equality of peoples are symbols of resistance and rebirth just like Newroz. However, the permanence of these gains and the guarantee of the future of our peoples are possible by increasing the struggle. Just like the fire that Kawa the Blacksmith lit against the tyrant Dehak, the way to protect the revolution in Rojava today is to raise the torch of struggle even higher.

The essence of Newroz is the will of the people to live together freely and equally. Newroz is the expression of different languages, colors, beliefs coming together on an equal and common ground of life. For this reason, Newroz is the historical truth where the greatest diversity can come together. Democratic society and honorable peace are the values ​​of Newroz that grow with the spirit of resistance. Today, the way to embrace these values ​​in the strongest way is to increase the organized struggle, build a democratic society and ensure national unity."