Meeting in Alessandria about Shengal and Maxmur

A debate was organized in Alessandria (Italy) to tell about the recent trip made to Shengal by a delegation of activists from the city.

An evening called "Yesterday and today’s resistance" was held in the Italian city of Alessandria. The initiative was organized by Associazione Verso il Kurdistan and Rete Kurdistan Italia and was dedicated to the Yazidi people and the Maxmur refugee camp after the return of the delegation from South Kurdistan.

Cecco Bellosi, a member of the delegation, and recently the subject of a judicial persecution with the accusation of having damaged Mussolini's tombstone, presented the beautiful book he wrote on the resistance in the Como area, "Under the shadow of a beautiful flower".

The delegation made up of 10 people from the Italian association Verso il Kurdistan entered Iraq on the morning of 20 May.

The delegation's goals were to help build a health facility in Serdest, the village in the region of Shengal where the Yazidi population, victims of the genocide carried out by ISIS in 2014, and, from 26 May, to visit Maxmur camp, given that, for years, the association has supported the health care within the camp.

The delegation said in a statement: "On the morning of 26 May we left Khamasor, towards Mosul, as scheduled. In Mosul, three drivers and two girls from the camp came to pick us up. They were happy to see us. We headed for Maxmur, but at the last check point, 20 Km from the camp, our passports were confiscated with the order to go back and immediately go to Bagdhad airport to board the first plane to Italy. A substantial expulsion, even if not a formal one."