Kurds protest the OPCW in the Netherlands over its silence on Turkish use of chemical weapons

In the Hague, the Netherlands, Kurds and their friends are protesting the OPCW, which has remained silent towards Turkish use of chemical weapons and banned bombs against the guerrilla forces in northern Iraq.

Kurdish activists are protesting in the Hague against the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which has remained silent towards the Turkish use of chemical weapons.

Protestors display banners reading, "Stop Turkey's chemical weapons on Kurds" and "OPCW why won't you investigate?" to protest the Turkish chemical attacks against the guerrilla troops in the Medya Defence Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).

The protest march started with a moment of silence to remember the guerrillas who fell as martyrs in the freedom struggle.

Xosnav Ata, who has been holding a sit-in in front of the OPCW for months, is marching in the front rank with a banner saying, "The Turkish state killed my nieces with chemicals". The group continues to march behind a huge banner that reads “OPCW -break your silence- investigate and stop Turkey’s use of chemical weapons!”.

The march is carried out in partnership with ADGB, faith organizations, Kurdish organizations, youth and women's organizations.