Kurds in Berlin to demonstrate against war in Middle East and Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan

The Kurdish community association Nav-Berlin is calling for a demonstration against the war in the Middle East and the Turkish occupation attacks on South Kurdistan. The protest will begin today, Saturday, at 1 p.m. on Oranienplatz.

A demonstration against Turkey's occupation attacks on the Kurdistan region in Iraq will take place in Berlin today, Saturday. The event will begin at 1 p.m. on Oranienplatz. Hüseyin Yilmaz, co-chair of the Free Kurdish Community of Berlin e.V. (Nav-Berlin), spoke to ANF about the demonstration and called for participation.

Hüseyin Yilmaz said that the Turkish state's attack plan is a policy aiming at the depopulation of Kurdistan in order to destroy the achievements of the Kurdish people. In this respect, the issue concerns Kurds in particular and must be understood in its entirety.

Yilmaz said: "The attacks will not only affect the Kurds. These are attacks on the living conditions of all peoples in the Middle East. That is why everyone must resist. This is not the time to watch. The attack is not just against the guerrillas; it is an attack against all of Kurdistan. Those who stand for peace, democracy and universal values ​​should speak out against it together with the Kurds."

Annexation of Kurdish areas in Iraq by Turkey

Regarding the collaboration of the South Kurdish ruling party KDP with the Turkish state, Yilmaz said: "The KDP should not be seen as a normal and ordinary political party. It was founded in the name of the Kurdish cause and some politicians wear Kurdish clothing, but in reality it works with the Turkish state. Calling such a structure a Kurdish party is not correct. The Kurdish people must recognize the collaborators and traitors and take a stand against them. In the current situation, all those with a conscience must clearly position themselves against the annexation of Kurdish areas by the Turkish state."

Islamist mercenaries in the service of the Turkish army

Referring to reports that Turkey, with the permission of the KDP, has brought Islamist mercenaries from Syria into the Kurdistan region in Iraq as ground troops to fight the guerrillas, Hüseyin Yilmaz said: "Mercenaries have been deployed to South Kurdistan to attack the achievements of the Kurdish people. In addition, village guards from North Kurdistan were sent to the region for the invasion. The KDP abandoned the Yazidi community in Shengal during the ISIS attack in 2014 and is pursuing the same thing today. Once again, massacres of Kurds are to be committed with the help of the ISIS."

Germany plays a central role

Yilmaz criticized the West's attitude to the events in Kurdistan and continued: "The European states are insisting on their hypocritical policies. These attacks and massacres do not take place without Europe's knowledge. Since the 1990s, the US has been trying to reshape the Middle East. In connection with the latest developments, a new oil corridor is to be created, from which Europe will also benefit. This corridor runs through Kurdistan, and Europe only considers its own interests. That is why there is silence about the attacks. One could also speak of support. Germany plays a central role in this. Around 40,000 people have already died in the ongoing massacre in Gaza. A solution to the Kurdish question would also contribute to solving the Palestine question. The Kurdish people and all people who show solidarity must mobilize to end the war in the Middle East and prevent annexation. On 13 July we will take to the streets against war and annexation. The demonstration begins at 1 p.m. on Oranienplatz."