Kurdistan Islamic Community holds its 9th congress

During the two-day congress, the work of the last two years was evaluated and discussions were held on the work programme for the next two years.

The Kurdistan Islamic Community (Civaka Îslamî ya Kurdistan, CÎK) held its 9th ordinary congress in Dortmund, Germany. Mele Şevket Çakır was elected as the new President of CÎK.

During the two-day congress, the work of the last two years was evaluated and discussions were held on the work programme for the next two years. The Co-Chair of the KCDK-E (Congress of Democratic Societies of Kurdistan in Europe), who was among the participants, congratulated the participants and stated that the congress was held in the light of historical developments in the Middle East and Kurdistan. He also stated that the invasion attacks against the Kurdish people in Kurdistan are legitimised through religion and said, "Kurdish scholars will fulfil their historical mission by explaining and living the true religion against the religion of power that is used for dirty politics around the true Islamic understanding."

Afterward, scholars and delegates from Kurdistan discussed the situation and problems of the mosques operating in Europe under the organisation of CÎK and exchanged ideas on common solutions.

The participants discussed the assimilation policies against the Kurdish population living in the diaspora in Europe under the name of religion with the encouragement and support of the Turkish state, and the issue of activating educational activities in Kurdistan mosques. While the education model of Kurdish scholars based on true Islam and the freedom of the Kurdish people was highlighted, it was determined as a goal to supervise and intensify these educational activities.

After the discussions and proposals, the delegates voted for the election of the new chairman of the CÎK. 145 delegates participated in the voting and Mele Şevket Çakır was elected as the new chairman.

In addition, a council consisting of 33 people was elected. 3 people were elected to the disciplinary board and 4 to the supervisory board. At the end of the congress, the planning targets of the new management for the next 2 years were shared with the delegates.

Şevket Demir, former President of CÎK, and Hafız Ahmet Turhallı, President of the Movement of Islamic Scholars of Kurdistan (Tevgera Alimên Îslamî û Kurdistanî ya Hemden û Nûjen), wished the new administration success and thanked the delegates.