Kurdish civil society organisations urge international community to act for Shengal

29 Kurdistan parties and institutions in Europe sent a letter to the foreign ministers of the US, France, Germany, Iraq and Britain and the UN Iraq representative to raise concern over Shengal.

29 Kurdistan parties and institutions in Europe penned a joint letter demanding to revoke the Baghdad-Hewler (Erbil) agreement on Shengal signed in October.

The letter pointed to the recent developments and concerns in Shengal.

The letter said: "Our expectation and request from you is to make a positive impact on the Baghdad and Hewler governments by using all your means and contribute to a common solution with the representatives of the Yazidi people."

The letter reads as follows:

"We, as Kurdistan parties and institutions in Europe, are deeply concerned about the current situation and future of Shengal, which has strategic importance for the world's Yazidis. We hoped that a radical change of perspective would occur after the 2014 genocide against Yazidis by ISIS gangs.

Unfortunately, we see with regret that the governments of Baghdad and Hewler did not learn any lessons from this genocide and that their views towards the Yazidî have not changed.

The agreement between Baghdad and Hewler disregards the will of the Yazidî community, its achievements, the democratic institutions that were created with a great effort, and is conducive to re-establishing the conditions that led to the genocide. This agreement, which was made without the consent of the Yazidi community, has no legitimacy and validity for the Yazidi all over the world. A solution is possible not by destroying existing gains, but by improving and making the existing opportunities and institutions permanent.

The Yazidi community needs a democratic and pluralist administration under which they can live in peace and tolerance with its neighbors.

As a result of the threats of Erdogan, who is in contact with all jihadist organizations of the Middle East and supports them, the Iraqi and Arbil Governments are tring to remove the Yazidis’ will in the name of "laws and state order" by using violence against the Yazidis. This is an actual support for genocide politics.

The signatories are as follows:

YNK (Yektiya Niştimanî Kurdistan)

Tevgêra GORRAN

KCDK-E (Kongra Civaka Kurdistaniyan-Ewrupa)

TJK-E (Tevgêra Jinên Kurdistanê-Ewrupa)

Partiya ŞÛÎ Kurdistan Basur

Kongra Star (Rêxistna Jin Rojava, Bakur-Rojhilatê Sûryê) Europe

Partiya Zahmetkêşan - Başûr

PADÊ (Partiya Azadî û Demokrasiya Êzîdiya)

Tevgêrê Azadî

PYD (Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat)

P.D.K.S (Partiya demoqrat a kurdî ya sûrî)

Partiya Çep a Kurd li Sûrî.

Tevgera Nûjen ya Kurdistanî-Sûrya.

PÇDKS (Partiya çep a Demoqrat a Kurd li Sûriyê.)

Partiya Demokrata Kurd li Sûriya (El Partii).

Partiya Çep a Democrat li Sûriya.

Partiya Rêkeftin a Kurd li Sûrya.

Partiya Çaksaziya Kurd li Sûriya.

Partiya Kesk a Kurdistanî li Sûriya.

Partiya Demokrata Kurdistanî li Sûrya.

Partiya Komanist a Kurdistanî li Sûriya.

PÎK (Partiya islamiya Kurdistan)

KKP (Partiya Kominista Kurdistan)

Tevgera Kawa

PJAK (Partiya Jiyana Azada Kurdistan)

Yakyatî Şorşgêrî Kurdistan

KODAR (Civaka Demokratîk û Azada Rojhelatĕ Kurdistan)

KJAR (Civaka Jinên Rojhelatî Kurdistan)

Platforma Horam

Plattform Zagros

Plattform Yarsan

Yarî Kurd

Partiya Dimokrati Pêşvero founded Li Surîya

Tevçand (Tevgera Çand û Hunera Kurd)

Kurdische Gemeinde Stuttgart e.V

FEDA (Federessiona Elewîyên Kurdistan)

NAV - YEK (Komelên Êzidiya to the Federation)

Kurdische Zentrum Berlin

CIK (Civaka Islamiya Kurdistan)

Enstituta Kurdî – Almanaya

Enstituta Kurdî – Bruksel

MŞD (Meclissa Şingal a Derveyî Welat)

YMK (Yekîtîya Mamostayên Kurdistan)

YES (Yekitiya Êzdiyên Sûri)

Kurdisch Gemeinde Brandenburg - Berlîn

Dachverband der Êzidischen Frauenräte

DKF (Deutsch-kurdisches Forum) e.V Dresden

Mesopotamia People's Congress.

Mesopotamian Freedom Party.

"Kurdistan human rights Association"