KOMAW calls on Kurds to unite against the KDP's collaboration with Turkey

KOMAW called on Kurdish organizations and the Kurdish people to form a Kurdish unity to take a stand against the betrayal of the KDP, which insists on cooperating with the Turkish state.

KOMAW asked international institutions and organizations not to remain silent against the joint attacks of the Turkish state and the KDP and added that they should stand by the just struggle of the people of Kurdistan.

The Association of Families of the Missing and Martyrs-KOMAW issued a written statement to react to the Turkish state's invasion attacks and the KDP's cooperation with the Turkish state.

KOMAW writes in its statement: “We see that the colonialist Turkish state under the fascist AKP-MHP administration, in cooperation with the KDP and with interstate support, is pursuing new and multi-faceted attacks in order to destroy all Kurdish values ​​in general and Kurdish gains in Bashur in particular.

The assimilationist and destructive policies of the invading and genocidal Turkish state against the Kurdish people are known.

In recent times, attacks carried out by very intense and heavy warplanes and weapons equipped with all kinds of new technologies have not achieved their goals, and Kurdistan has been receiving heavy blows from the Freedom Guerrillas. This is why it needs to strengthen its relations with the KDP more and to act jointly.”

The statement added: “As it is known, we have made similar statements and calls to the KDP before, to end such cooperation with the anti-Kurdish fascist and colonialist Turkish State and not to get involved again.

However, as it can be seen, the KDP does not listen to our calls and warnings. On the contrary, it insists on developing its relations with the genocidal Turkish state.

Nevertheless, we, at KOMAW, repeat our call to the KDP. If it insists on cooperating with the fascist Turkish state, the Kurdish people and their friends will see it as a traitor and will take a stand accordingly.

We call on Kurdish institutions, organizations and patriots to form a Kurdish union with the widest participation so that they can develop a more effective attitude against these attacks of the colonialist and murderous Turkish State and the cooperation of the KDP.

Likewise, we reiterate that international institutions and organizations should not remain silent against the joint attacks of the Turkish Republic and KDP, and that they should stand by the just struggle of the people of Kurdistan."