KNK Congress calls for support for Southern Kurdistan

Kurdistan National Congress called for support for Southern Kurdistan against attacks by Iraq, Turkey and Iran.

The 17th Ordinary Congress of Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) kicked off in the Netherlands on Saturday with the participation of hundreds of delegates and representatives of observer political parties.

A declaration released at the congress condemned recent attacks against Southern Kurdistan and said the following;

“A blockade started against Southern Kurdistan by Iran and Turkey after the independence referendum on September 25. The Baghdad government cut all its ties in parallel with the policies of these countries. Turkey, Iran and Iraq are preparing for a military assault.

Participants of KNK 17th Ordinary Congress condemn this attack and blockade and call for an immediate end to the blockade.

We KNK support the demands of Southern Kurdistan people and declare hereby that we are on their side. We call on all Kurds and people of Kurdistan to support Southern Kurdistan.

On the other hand, we call on the UN, US, Russia, the EU and all international institutions to stand against the attacks by Turkey, Iran and Iraq.”