HBDH militia set fire to drug warehouse in Istanbul

HBDH Berkin Elvan Militia announced that they set fire to a warehouse where drug activity was carried out in Okmeydanı, Istanbul.

In a statement on Monday, HBDH militia said: "Our units, who identified a person carrying out drug activity in Şevket Paşa Neighbourhood in Okmeydanu, Istanbul and the warehouse he used, took action on 16 May. The warehouse used to spread drug use was set on fire and became unusable." 

Berkin Elvan Militia stated, "Especially in the regions densely populated by patriotic and political people, the AKP-MHP gang regime directly uses its own security elements and gangs to spread drugs and aims to alienate society, especially young people, from the struggle." 

Calling on patriotic and revolutionary families to protect their children against these dirty schemes of the giants, Berkin Elvan Militia said, "Everyone should come together and organise in their neighbourhoods and uproot these people who aim to destroy the moral values of society." 

The statement concluded: "We will continue to hit the AKP-MHP fascist regime and its collaborator gangs that target society."