Flags with Öcalan's portrait unveiled during Manchester United - Galatasaray match

Flags with Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's portrait were unveiled during the Manchester United - Galatasaray match played in England.

Kurdish young people unfurled Abdullah Öcalan flags and chanted slogans during the Champions League match between Manchester United and Galatasaray to draw attention to the isolation imposed on the Kurdish People's Leader and to demand his freedom.

Young people said that they carried out the action with determination despite all the obstacles and attacks by racist fans in the stadium with a crowd of some 80 thousand people.

Police attacks on young people continued outside the stadium. During the action, young people said that the resistance will continue until the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan is achieved.

Making a statement after the action, the young people said: "Our main priority is to break the Imrali torture system, which violates all human rights and law and is maintained by the fascist Turkish state, and to fight for the health and safety of our Leader."

Condemning the silence of the Council of Europe and the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), the young people added: "We call on all revolutionary young people living in Europe to resist in the areas for the physical freedom of our Leader."