Documents on Turkey-ISIS relations presented to the UN

The documents presented to the UN shed light on the illegal transfer of arms and ammunitions from Turkey to the parts of Syria under ISIS occupation.

Russia presented documents on Turkey-ISIS relations to the UN Security Council. The documents shed light on the illegal transfer of arms and ammunitions from Turkey to the parts of Syria under ISIS occupation.

Vitaly Çurkin, Russia’s Permanent Representative at the UN, presented the documents on the illegal transfer of arms and ammunitions from Turkey to the parts of Syria under ISIS occupation. According to these documents, Turkey sent chemicals and explosives worth 2 million US dollars to Syria mainly through Reyhanlı, Azez, Qamişlo and Jarablus.

Below are some of the statements made in the documents presented to the UN Security Council:

“Turkey is the main arms and military technology dealer to ISIS. The Turkish Intelligence uses illegal organizations and orchestrates the smuggling of arms. Cars and humanitarian aid convoys are used for the smuggling.”

"Turkish intelligence agents provided militants from the Damascus Front with RPG-7 rocket propellers and 7,62 mm and 12,7 mm caliber arms in mid-August. The Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms sponsored the delivery of 55 tons of food supplies to ISIS militants on January 25. Beşar Foundation is the main sponsor of these deliveries.”

"As the most effective institution in the delivery of military equipments and arms, Beşar Foundation sent 50 convoys of supplies to Bayırbucak and Kızıltepe Turkmens. Although the foundation lists private individuals as its main donors, it receives funds from the Turkish Intelligence Agency. The foundation opens bank accounts inside and outside Turkey with the help of the government.”