DEM Party delegation meets Graz mayor

DEM Party MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit was part of the delegation that met with Graz mayor Elke Kahr. The MP gave information about the Imralı isolation and local elections.

DEM Parti Van MP Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit was part of a delegation that came to Austria and met with Graz mayor Elke Kahr.

The delegation talked about the attempt to usurp the will expressed by people at the local elections held in Turkey and Kurdistan and underlined the resistance of the people who fought against this attempt. The delegation also talked about the situation of Kurdish people's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in Imrali for 25 years under a regime of total isolation. The delegation underlined that there has been no news from the Kurdish people’s leader for three years.

The delegation then held a public meeting about the political process in Turkey and Kurdistan. Gülcan Kaymaz Sayyiğit said that they want the Kurdish problem to be resolved through democratic means and the isolation of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan to be lifted. The DEM Party MP also emphasized the importance of expanding organization in Europe and ensuring the unity of the Kurdish people.