Conference for Abdullah Öcalan in Bilbao

Conference in Bilbao to show solidarity with the leader of the Kurdish people, Abdullah Öcalan.

The representative of EH Bildu in the European Parliament, Pernando Barrena, will participate tomorrow, 8 February, in a conference in Bilbao, which aims to show the solidarity of Euskal Herria with the leader of the Kurdish people, Abdullah Öcalan, imprisoned for 25 years in the prison island of Imrali, and with the people of Kurdistan in general.

Speakers will include Abdullah Öcalan's lawyer, Ibrahim Bilmez, from the Asrin law office, as well as Koldo Saenz from the Basque trade union LAB and a representative of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK).

The conference will take place at Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao (UPV auditorium) from 10am.

Abdullah Öcalan has been held in a solitary cell in the island prison of İmralı since 15 February 1999. For the first ten years, he was the only prisoner. Six further prisoners were brought there in 2009, but he continued to be held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day on weekdays and 24 hours on weekends. There are currently three prisoners besides Mr Öcalan on the Island. These three men have been there since 2015, and are similarly isolated.

Last year, to mark the 24th years of the imprisonment of Öcalan, six Basque trade unions, LAB, ELA, CCOO, ESK, UGT and Steilas launched a manifesto demanding freedom for Abdullah Ocalan on the 24th anniversary of his capture in Kenya. 

In the manifesto, the Basque trade unions said: "Abdullah Öcalan, leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) has been imprisoned for 24 years, in extreme conditions, in total isolation and with restrictions on his communication with the outside world. In 2006-2007, 3.5 million Kurds signed a petition stating that they consider him their political representative. As the only leader who enjoys the trust of the Kurdish people, and as the forefather of this peaceful solution, Öcalan is an indispensable part of resolving the Kurdish conflict."