Condolence messages for Jalal Talabani

Several political parties and organizations have issued condolence messages over the passing of Jalal Talabani, former president of Iraq and founding member and Secretary General of PUK in Southern Kurdistan.

Several political parties and organizations have issued condolence messages for Jalal Talabani, former president of Iraq and founding member and Secretary General of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in Southern Kurdistan, called by the Kurds ‘Mam (Uncle) Jalal’.

Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council said the passing of Talabani is a great loss for not only the Kurds but all the peoples of the Middle East.

KCK remarked that Mam Jalal has an important place in the freedom struggle of Bashurê (Southern) Kurdistan, and provided significant contributions to the freedom struggle in all parts of Kurdistan.

Remarking that Mam Jalal gave huge efforts for Kurdish national unity, KCK said achievement of Kurdish unity basing on national congress was the biggest aspiration of Talabani who always promoted and supported efforts to this end.

KCK recalled that Mam Jalal viewed the democratization of the region’s states as a part of the Kurdistan freedom struggle, for which reason he much desired an equal, fair and democratic relations between Kurds and other peoples, and resolution of the Kurdish question on a democratic basis, always supporting the efforts of Öcalan and the Kurdish movement in this regard.

“Our Freedom Movement will never forget Mam Jalal’s friendship with Leader Apo and our movement, and will definitely make his aspirations for national unity, national freedom, free Kurdistan and democratic Middle East real”, KCK added.

Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) Co-presidency also expressed deep sadness over the passing of Mam Jalal, saying; “We believe that his comrades will bear a stance worthy of the legacy of struggle he has left. Mam Jalal made no concessions of his Kurdishness in the freedom struggle that he dedicated his whole life to. He gave all his struggle on this basis.”

KONGRA-GEL also issued a statement of condolence for Jalal Talabani, describing him as an “irreplaceable leader”, and stating that; “With his life and struggle, Mam Jalal has taken his well-deserved place in the history of the Kurdistan people. We promise to lead the freedom and democracy struggle to victory, which he dreamed of for all of Kurdistan.”

Democratic Society Congress (DTK) said the Kurdish people will never forget Mam Jalal who played a historic role in carrying the freedom struggle to these days through dignified resistance despite all the atrocity, torture and exile he faced with throughout his life. DTK vowed that the youth, women and people of Kurdistan will own the legacy and values he has left behind, and crown the freedom struggle, to which he dedicated his life, with victory.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board said the passing of Talabani is a very big loss for the peoples of the region, remarking that they will always remember him as an unforgettable hero of the democratic struggle. HDP said Mam Jalal will be living in the heart of the Kurds and all peoples that struggle for equality and freedom all around the world.

Democratic Regions’ Party (DBP) pointed out that Talabani’s biggest dream was the national unity of Kurdistan people, and that Mam Jalal will continue to warm the heart and brighten the path of the Kurdistan people with the freedom struggle he has given all his life.

Mesopotamia Freedom Party (MÖP) remarked that Mam Jalal was also a friend of Assyrian, Syrian and Chaldean people living in Kurdistan, describing him as a valuable leader for the Kurdish people, other peoples and the democracy struggle of Kurdistan. MÖP said they will always keep the friendship of Mam Jalal alive in the struggle they give alongside the Kurdish people.

HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş also sent a message of condolence from prison, in which he expressed deep sadness over the passing of Talabani, calling him an irreplaceable leader that dedicated his life to the Kurdish people’s struggle for equality and freedom.