On January 9, 2013, the first MIT-ordered attack struck the Kurds in the heart of Paris. It cost the lives of three Kurdish activists: Sakine Cansiz, a historical figure of the Kurdish movement, Fidan Dogan, head of the Kurdistan Information Center (CIK), where the attack took place, and Leyla Saylemez, an activist of the Kurdish youth movement in Europe.
Almost 10 years later, on December 23, 2022, three other Kurdish activists were killed in a second attack, also in Paris. Among the victims, Evîn Goyî (Emine Kara), head of the Kurdish women's movement in France, who had previously fought ISIS in Rojava.
The two other victims of this attack, which targeted the headquarters of the CDK-F at 16 rue d’Enghien, were Mîr Perwer, a young Kurdish singer who recently took refuge in France, and Abdurrahman Kizil, a sixty-year-old who regularly frequented the association.
The Democratic Kurdish Council of France (CDK-F) will organize a march "for Truth and Justice" in Paris on Saturday 11 January.
In a statement, the organization wrote: "The investigation into the triple assassination of 9 January 2013 has revealed numerous clues - corroborated by documents published on the internet - demonstrating that the killer, Ömer Güney, arrested shortly after the events, had operated under the orders of the Turkish secret services (MIT). However, the assassin was never convicted since he died in prison at the end of 2016, shortly before the date set for his trial. As for the instigators, they have never been worried, the investigation of the case being hampered by the "state secrecy" opposed by the French authorities, who refuse to declassify the information held by their intelligence services."
The statement added that "in the second case, the terrorist nature has not been retained until now, even though the remarks of the assassin, William Malet, clearly demonstrate the terrorist motivations of his action which deliberately targeted our association as a representation of the Kurdish people. Despite repeated requests from civil parties, the investigators have still not questioned the French intelligence services on the assassin's potential links with foreign services.
12 years after the triple femicide of 2013, the feeling of impunity reigns more than ever. By refusing to lift the defense secrecy, France is committing a denial of justice and maintaining the impunity of a political and terrorist crime, an impunity that has encouraged the instigators to commit the crime a second time."

The CDK-F co-chair, Şahin Polat, called on everyone to attend the march. He said: "We will meet at Gare Du Nord on Saturday, 11 January, at 10:00. We are expecting friends and comrades to join us, especially these days, when we are going through a historic process, to defend Rojava, to defend women's liberation, to hold the murderers accountable, to strengthen the hand of our Leader, for the "Solution to the Kurdish Question and Status for Kurdistan".