Anger over the release of rapist soldier

The release of the Turkish sergeant and rapist Musa Orhan provokes anger and horror. HDP deputy Feleknas Uca speaks of a state concept, while Ipek's father, Ipek Er, demands justice.

Protests are growing after the release of the rapist Musa Orhan from custody. The Turkish staff sergeant and avowed right-wing extremist was released on Tuesday evening after a week in custody. 18-year-old Ipek Er, who was held by the perpetrator for days and raped several times, attempted to take her own life in Batman. She was then hospitalized and died in hospital on August 18. In the social media, the renewed arrest of the rapist soldier is demanded under the hashtag #MusaOrhanTutuklansin

HDP member of parliament Feleknas Uca, who supports the young woman's family, said on the release of the rapist that this was a message to all women and the continuation of a state rape concept. In any case, the arrest was only made in order to contain the protests that followed the death of Ipek Er, she said. The perpetrator had explained to his victim before her suicide that she could report him at any time and that nothing would happen to him anyway. The release shows once again that sex offenders in the service of the state can rely on being protected by high authorities and go unpunished, according to Uca.

Fuat Er, the father of Ipek Er, commented on the new situation in a published video and said that the family had been silent so far but this is over now: "Our family has collapsed. My wife passed out when the news of her release came. We are still in a state of shock and our pain is as great as on the first day. I would like to ask the judge if he has a clear conscience. If it had been his daughter, would he have let the killer go and kept quiet?"

In the video Fuat Er appeals to the Turkish authorities and the government and demands justice: "My phone is constantly ringing, millions of people write me messages to support us. All we want is justice."