Activists in Europe protest isolation in Imrali

Demonstrations against isolation in Imrali continue throughout Europe.

A demonstration was organized in Paris by Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger (TCŞ) and Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer to protest the severe isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan and demand his freedom. The action with the slogan "End isolation, fascism, occupation - Bi Hev Re Serhildan" was held at Paris central station.

A huge photo of the Kurdish people's leader and a multi-lingual banner saying "Freedom for Öcalan" and a large PKK flag opened the march during which young people chanted slogans against the isolation and the Turkish state regime implemented in Imrali.

Attempts of pro-Turkey fascists to spoil the march were voided by the youth.

At the short rally held after the march in Stalingrad square, statements were made in French and Kurdish on behalf of the institutions organizing the demonstration.


A video action took place in Marseille to draw attention to the isolation imposed on Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan. The action was organized by TCŞ activists who handed out leaflets to passers by.

A video showing the Kurdish people's leader talking about women, ecology, the capitalist system, and the PKK was projected on the wall of a building next to the German consulate in Jouliette square.


In Bordeuax activists protested the Turkish state and the isolation imposed on Imrali with a march demanding freedom for Öcalan.