5,890 letters sent to the CPT from Switzerland

A total of 5,890 letters were sent to the CPT from Switzerland.

The Swiss leg of the European Kurdish Women's Movement's letter campaign to the CPT, the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, to demand action to end the isolation system of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan and ensure his freedom, ended in Bern. A total of 5,890 letters were sent from Swiss cities within the framework of the campaign.

Martyr Berjîn Zenda Women's Council members gathered in front of the central post office in Bern and sent the last hundreds of letters they prepared to the CPT.

The women said: "Nobody should have any doubt that we will do our best until we put an end to the system of torture against Leader Öcalan."

Saadet Kuran made the following speech on behalf of the Martyr Berjîn Zenda Women's Assembly: "We, as the Martyr Berjin Zenda Women's Assembly in Bern, are sending 660 letters to the CPT. The whole world knows that the CPT plays three monkeys when it comes to the Kurdish people. They were the first to go to Imralı, but why do they not speak out today? Our call is this: Either they should enforce their own law or they should come out and say that they are not a committee to prevent torture, and are massacring the Kurdish people together with the Turkish state.

We, Kurdish women, will continue our struggle wherever we are. We call on all the people of Kurdistan to unite around our Leader. The freedom of our Leader is the freedom of all Kurdish people."

While the campaign letter to the CPT is ending in Switzerland, Kurdish women living in England continue the campaign today.