12 people detained amid a curfew in Derik, Mardin
The Turkish regime continues its political genocide operations against the Kurdish people.
The Turkish regime continues its political genocide operations against the Kurdish people.
Curfew has been declared Monday morning in the rural neighborhoods of Çataltepe (Erbete), Adak (Simaqî), Doğancı (Bizdoxan) and Develi (Kotê) in Mardin’s Derik district.
Turkish soldiers carried out a mass detention operation in some of the neighborhoods affected by the curfew.
According to reports, 12 people were taken into custody in the Çataltepe neighborhood so far. Those detained were battered during the operation and it is not known where they were taken.
Reports are coming through of restrictions by the Turkish state forces in the other neighborhoods placed under curfew. Villagers cannot go out and meet their daily needs.