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YRK announces the names of two guerrillas martyred in Turkish attack
HPJ commander Aryen Arê and YRK fighter Êrîş Berxwedan were martyred in a Turkish airstrike in Pêncewîn in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on 3 December. -
HPG: 34 soldiers were killed in Girê Amediyê Revolutionary Operation
The HPG Press Center said in a statement that the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas, killed 34 soldiers in Zap after the victory in Xakurke. -
HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Binevş and Serab who fell as martyrs in Zap
Mahir Binevş and Azad Serab died in June in the Zap region of South Kurdistan. The HPG honors the fallen guerrilla fighters as symbolic figures of Kurdish-Arab coexistence. -
HPG: 36 Turkish soldiers were killed in Xakurke and Metîna
HPG reported that 36 soldiers of the Turkish occupying forces were killed in the guerrilla areas in a revolutionary operation and a coordinated action on 22 December. -
Police raid a wedding, detain 3 in Urfa
The police raided a street wedding in Urfa, opened fire in the air, and detained 3 people. -
Turkish forces attack commemoration for Paris massacre victim Mîr Perwer in Muş
The police and gendarmerie prevented people from commemorating Kurdish singer Mîr Perwer, who was murdered in Paris one year ago, at his grave. Mîr Perwer's family was attacked during the crackdown. -
Living in Hakkari in 2023 was like living in an open prison
In Hakkari the state of emergency was implemented uninterruptedly. The year 2023 was marked by heavy human rights violations and arbitrary bans. Existing laws are suspended, and the people literally live in an open prison. -
Action by Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas in Xakurkê leaves 27 Turkish soldiers dead
27 Turkish soldiers were killed and 17 weapons were seized in an operation carried out by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas in Xakurkê. -
Kurdish alliance votes increase by 20,000 in Kirkuk
PUK Kirkuk Election Bureau Head Şêrzad Samet stated that the special vote counting in Kirkuk was completed and announced that the ‘Kirkuk is Our Strength and Will’ alliance received 20 thousand more votes. -
Three people detained in Roboski
A few days before the twelfth anniversary of the massacre in Roboski, Turkish soldiers stormed the village and detained residents without giving a reason. -
Village in Şırnak countryside sealed off by Turkish soldiers
A village in the countryside of Şırnak province has been sealed off by the Turkish army. Local residents are banned from entering and leaving the village. -
200 saplings planted in Binarê Qendîl as part of environmental protection campaign
In Binarê Qendîl, 200 saplings were planted in and around the village of Bolê as part of the annual environmental protection campaign. -
Footage of guerrilla action in which three Turkish soldiers were killed
Images from guerrilla areas prove the serious losses suffered by Turkish forces in the guerrilla areas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which are denied or concealed by the Turkish state. -
HPG reports ongoing Turkish attacks with unconventional weapons in guerrilla areas
HPG announced that the Turkish army attacked the Medya Defence Zones 5 times with banned explosives and chemical gases and 7 times with aircraft. -
Footage of equipment seized from the killed Turkish soldiers whose deaths are kept secret
ANF footage shows the equipment of the Turkish soldiers killed in the Şehîd Leyla Sorxwîn Amed Revolutionary Operation in guerrilla areas. The Turkish army has so far kept the number and names of the dead soldiers secret. -
Turkish army bombs a village in Amadiya, South Kurdistan
The Turkish state continues its genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people and their lands in various parts of Kurdistan. -
HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Jiyan Welat
The HPG paid tribute to guerrilla Jiyan Welat, who died in an accident in the Medya Defense Areas ten years ago. -
Three people accused of murdering DEM Party executive Ahmet Gün still at large
Three people, accused of murdering DEM Party leader Ahmet Gün in the town of Sêgirk, 9 days ago, have yet to be arrested. Only retired village guard Enver Babat has so far been taken into custody. -
PADÊ and Shengal Autonomous Administration candidate Kesko wins seat in Mosul Assembly
According to the statement published by the Iraqi Supreme Electoral Board, PADÊ and Shengal Autonomous Administration candidate Kasım Kesko won a seat in the Mosul Assembly after the recent the elections. -
Iran border forces fatally shoot 50-year-old kolbar in Marivan
Iranian forces continue their deadly attacks against load carriers in the border areas. -
Mother Taybet remembered in Silopi: “The Kurds you have denied are everywhere today”
Eight years after the brutal death of Taybet Inan, a memorial service was held in Silopi. The 57-year-old was shot dead out in the street and her body could not be retrieved for seven days. -
Containers of solidarity associations in earthquake-hit Adıyaman demolished
In Adıyaman, the containers of associations and institutions organising activities for women and children and trying to reduce the traces of the earthquake were demolished by the governorate's orders. -
HPG reports Turkish attacks with tactical nuclear bomb and banned explosives
HPG Press Centre announced that guerrilla positions in Medya Defence Zones were bombed once with tactical nuclear bombs and 53 times with banned explosives, while the guerrillas continued their actions. -
More young people join the PKK ranks
Nine young people announced their participation in the ranks of the PKK, saying: "We will lead a free and moral life shoulder to shoulder with our comrades fighting in the free mountains." -
HPG pays tribute to three fallen guerrillas
Guerrillas Dijwar Şervan, Kendal Cûdî and Ernesto Che Guevara died while resisting the Turkish occupation in Metîna. The guerrillas were leading militants of the Kurdish freedom movement and fought against ISIS and the Turkish army.